Penguins in Minneapolis

 January 17, 2019

I’ve been back in America this week, lighting Mr Popper’s Penguins at Minneapolis Children’s Theatre. It’s been a great experience, and the Penguins are as well received here as before in New York, Seattle and London. Thanks to Peter C. Brosius and all the staff here who’ve made us so welcome, and used their great expertise and production facilities to help get us to this point. Here are a couple of brand new Production Shots of the 2018/9 company performing in Minnesota, taken by Dan Norman.

MR POPPER’S PENGUINS by Richard & Florence Atwater
January 15 – February 24 2019

Adapted for the stage by Pins and Needles Productions
Music by Luke Bateman, Lyrics by Richy Hughes
Directed by Emma Earle
Designed by Zoe Squire
Puppet Design by Nick Barnes
Lighting Design by Ric Mountjoy
Sound Design by Jason Barnes
By arrangement with Kenny Wax Family Entertainment and TC Beech